
BIO³ Master program

Yaou Zhang 张雅鸥

Title: Chair Professor of BIO³ Program

Office: Building L Room 407

Tel & Fax: +86 (0755) 2603-6884


Dr. Zhang, a cellular and molecular biologist, graduated from Medical school of West China University of Medical Sciences and was awarded a PhD by the same university. As attending physician, associate chief physician and associate professor, she worked for West China University of Medical Sciences from 1989 to 1994. Afterwards, she got her post-doctoral training in Toronto University, and then worked as research fellow for Harvard Medical School, and University of California at San Francisco, and City University of Hong Kong. From 2004 to now, she has taught at the Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University, first as an associate professor and now as a full professor.

    1991 Ph.D. West China University of Medical Sciences, Hematology/Oncology
    1986 M.S. West China University of Medical Sciences, Cardiovasology
    1982 M.D. West China University of Medical Sciences, Medicine

Current Courses

Science & Medicine;

Advances in Molecular & Cell Biology;

Introduction to Medicine

Master's & Ph.D. Advising

1. The functions and mechanism of noncoding RNA in tumor, neurodegenerative diseases and metabolic diseases.

2. Research and development of small nucleic acid drugs.

Research Interests

1. The functions and mechanism of noncoding RNA in tumor, neurodegenerative diseases and metabolic diseases.

2. Research and development of small nucleic acid drugs.

Current Projects

1. National Natural Science Foundation of China “PGC-1β and its intronic miRNA regulate autophagy during adipocyte differentiation”,31571400。

2. Basic research fund of Shenzhen, “The Study on the new mechanism of Warburg effect and the methods of Tumor therapy via inhibit Warburg effect”, JCYJ20170405103953336

3. Basic research fund of Shenzhen, “The effect of Glial cell lesion related noncoding RNAs on Alzheimer disease” JCYJ20150724173156330

4. Special project of Suzhou-Tsinghua innovation leading action,” Study on universal nucleic acid drugs for DNA virus”, 2016SZ0312

Additional Positions

Member of a Council of Biochemical Association in Shenzhen.